
Get to know our Services

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BIM Family Modeling

At BIMARK we develop their families so that they have all the necessary information, parameters, modeling and at the same time comply with all BIM use standards.

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BIM-based advertising

We offer you BIM-based advertising plans where you can display the families of your products so that they can be easily found and specified.

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BIM Project Development

We have experience in developing and supervising BIM projects and we develop BIM Projects through a multidisciplinary team using CDE ACC 360.

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Autodesk Platform Services

We develop CLOUD applications that take our BIM development and advertising services to the next level through cloud-based applications.

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Supplier, Do you require BIM Family Development?

The use of the BIM Model for project management has grown exponentially in the world due to all the advantages it represents.

Es por ello que los arquitectos e ingenieros demandan proveedores que ya cuenten con sus modelos BIM. Sin embargo al no encontrarlos optan por elaborar ellos mismos sus familias pero no cuentan con las certificaciones por parte del proveedor representando esto retrabajos, aumento de costo y tiempo en la elaboración de los proyectos e incongruencias del modelo BIM en la fase de administración y mantenimiento. En BIMARK contamos con el conocimiento, software y experiencia para crear familias de alta calidad, con los parámetros, información y modelado óptimo que requiere tu producto para la correcta gestión del proyecto BIM a través de sus distintas fases. Un modelo BIM bien DISEÑADO equivale a prestigio para tu MARCA.

Contact us to advise you on the creation of your BIM models.


Our Growing Company


Years of experience

We have more than 30 years of experience in developing 3D projects, families and digital content.


Different BIM Services

We have more than 10 different types of BIM services, such as family development, projects, advertising...


Families and Projects Completed

We have developed more than 3000 families, BIM projects, content and 3D digital libraries.

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do you have any question?


What is the objective of the BIM Portal?

We help Suppliers of materials and products for construction, in the management of their BIM models, from the adequate development of their families and in their promotion through our BIM portal so that they can be easily found by the engineers and architects who use them. they need and specified in their BIM projects.

What are the advantages of having your products on the BIMARK Portal?

How can I publish my families on the Portal?